Monday, July 13, 2009

Still working on pictures

I haven't abandoned my blog - just trying to get caught up on all the picture cropping and selecting. I have uploaded quite a few days of albums but still have about 10 to go (all the BIG ones like Berlin with over 700 pictures are still left to do). Ian is helping me with the comments - my idea being to not state the obvious. If the pictures are divided by city (which most are), no need to state the city name over and over and if there are a lot of pictures of one place or building - say Notre Dame for example - then only the first picture will state Notre Dame.

After I am done with the pictures, I will get back to writing some longer prose and am thinking up some TOP TEN lists to do - Top Ten things that I missed about the US - Top Ten Favorite Buildings - Top Ten Silly Signs (or English Translations).

You should be able to access all the albums I have uploaded at this link

Cheerio for now :^)