Wednesday, July 1, 2015

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodnight - OR- We're Coming to America

It's 8am here and we are about to head towards the airport for our journey home.  We had a very mellow day in Dublin yesterday - all of us a little tired and ready to be home, I think.  We went on the walking tour but other then that pretty much hung out in the hotel room.

Still behind on my pictures - we took so many in London - hope to have those up soon.  It's been a wonderful trip and I think the kids have gotten a lot out of it.  If I could do one thing different it would be to bring a camera for each of us.  Yes, that would me even MORE pictures to go through but it was the one point of contention through out the trip.  Who ever had the camera would inevitably not take the picture of what or the way the others wanted.  We all see things differently and have a different image we want to remember.  And with digital picture taking essentially costing nothing other then the time to weed through thousands of pictures, it would have been worth it to have a couple of extra camera.

As it was we took 6300 pictures (as you see, I've only posted a small percentage), can you imagine what that would have cost in film and processing!  For that and other reasons, this trip wouldn't have been possible without modern technology.  I had maps of each of the cities we visited on my iPad and with the GPS abilities, we found our way on many occasions.  When we road the bus, I could follow our progress on the iPad and see each bus stop so that I knew when the next one was ours in time to push the "stop" button.  I also had travel books on the iPad with walking tours and other guides.  I was able to go onto Google maps ahead of time and, using the street view, virtually walk from the train station to an accommodation so that when we arrived I knew exactly where to go.  Each night I was on the Internet planning the next day - what was open and when, using Google maps to figure out walking directions or what public transport to take.

It truly is a wonderful world in so many ways.

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