Monday, May 25, 2009

Scotland - at long last, my ultimate destination

Day 7 I ferried over to Scotland and took a train on into Glasgow. I arrived right at rush hour and it is a very big and busy station but beautiful with dark wood shops and glass overhead. There was a large mosaic on one of the walls - and I love mosaics - of the city with a burning train(? odd choice for a train station?).

I walked around town for a little bit and took in all the statues and monuments in George's Square. Here's a little rhyme they teach the school kids here:
Where is the bird that never flew?
Where is the tree that never grew?
Where is the bell that never rang?
Where is the fish that never swam?
The answer is - in the cities emblem which is everywhere.

For dinner that first night in Scotland I had - what else - Haggis. It actually was very good. It came along with Tates (mashed potatoes) and Neeps (mashed rutabagas) plus a whiskey gravy.

The next day I took a hop-on, hop-off tour bus ride around town. Glasgow is very proud of its Charles Rennie Mackintosh history and I visited his house on the grounds of the University - it is very simple but aesthetically pleasing. Really weird on the outside as they moved it here from another place and the external building was not moved with it - it looks like a typical concrete office building except there is a door part way up the wall with no steps or balcony. Then inside it is just as it would have looked.

I also spent a bit of time in the beautiful Glasgow cathedral. "Glasgow Cathedral is the only medieval Cathedral on the Scottish mainland to have survived the Reformation unscathed". And then walked across around the adjoining Necropolis looking at all the many tombs .

The building at left is the Winter garden building - it has a large glass enclosure full of plants. I didn't make it to the Botanical Gardens but I guess they have even more of these interesting glass structures.

1 comment:

  1. love the's keeping me sane...ha
