Monday, June 22, 2015

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition

Colin wanted to go on the Spanish Inquisition Tour with Sandeman tours (the group we always do the walking tour with) but it isn't until 7pm and we are always so exhausted by then.  We had a nice day in Madrid - first we went on the walking tour and then we did some more walking around looking at architecture.  Duncan went back to the apartment at that time and Colin and I continued on. They have a really large park here with a small lake and all kinds of different trees plus various monuments and buildings.  Then we went to the Prado Museum before heading home.  I would say that Madrid is an OK town - but nothing special about it.  We didn't even go into the Palace - for one, it was based on Versailles and for another we've seen so many Palaces with similar styles by this time (and let's face it, it's hard to beat Versailles).  There are no really old structures here nor any iconic structures.  Barcelona on the other hand has such a mix of old and new, parts of the old city walls and remains from the Romans, the iconic Sagrada Familia and (most importantly to Duncan) the Barcelona Football (soccer) team.

It's funny, my parents mentioned that there are a lot of pickpockets in Spain, because I forgot to mention a little run in I had.  We had just arrived in Spain (Barcelona) stepped off the train and as we got onto the Subway, this woman was crowding me.  If you've been on subways you know that at times you are packed shoulder to shoulder but this train wasn't very full.  So it just bothered me that she was invading my personal space and I just automatically moved my purse so that it was more in front of me rather then the side.  Apparently I did that at the moment she was going to try and get something because she said "oh, excuse me" and then hurried off down the train.  It was only on reflection that I realized 1) I had indicated for her to get on first but she waited for me 2) it was a hot day and she was carrying a puffy coat 3) her arm was under that coat in an odd way and 4)  I had seen her hand coming out towards my purse right before she apologized.  I was wearing my purse such that the side pocket which just has a flat was facing out and I keep the camera in there - she probably thought it was a phone.  At any rate, she didn't get anything and we haven't had any issues since (that we know of anyway).

Tomorrow we spend the day in Seville and then come back through Madrid to take a night train (not the bus from Seville as my map indicates) to Lisbon.  So unless the trains have WiFi, there won't be a post tomorrow.

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